. Each cigar is made with Nicaraguan tobaccos to make an incredibly flavorful puro rolled at the My Father factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. Pick yours up now! Tatuaje 10th Anniversary Sumatra Belle Encre Tatuaje 10th Anniversary cigars are a testament to Tatuaje and the tradition of excellence they have established throughout their 10 years in business.The 10th anniversary is a celebratory cigar representing the founding of the company back in 2003.
They have a wide array of secret blends created with excellent tobaccos.These are perfect for folks that desire a flavorful smoking experience. The flavors they offer are known for their sweetness and rich smoke.
Swisher Sweet Silver Perfecto 10/5. The flavors they offer are known for their sweetness and rich smoke.These are perfect for folks that desire a flavorful smoking experience.
Connecticut shade wrapper. Gordo. and his father Ismael, have created another masterpiece blended with perfectly-aged Nicaraguan & Brazilian fillers, Mexican San Andres binder, and a silky U. New World Ct.